Pennard Vets
Dietary advice
Few things are as important for the short and long-term health of your pet as the food that you feed them.
Every pet has different nutritional needs, and every individual will need a different amount of food based on their size, weight and exercise regime.
A poor or inappropriate diet can lead to a range of health concerns, as well as weight problems – which also present their own health problems.
Unfortunately we are seeing more overweight pets, with an estimated 80% falling into this category.
That is why it is so important for an owner to understand what their pet should be eating, what a healthy body shape looks like and the concerns that are raised by being overweight.
Our team are here to help you to avoid the pitfalls, and to design a diet that will keep your pet healthy and happy.
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Available Practices
What can nutrition clinics help with?
Our nurses can help you to work out how best to feed your pet for a range of reasons:
Our nurses are trained in determining what food your pet needs, and how much.
They will also talk you through how to successfully manage any changes to your pet’s diet, and where to purchase the food that you need.
Our nurse clinics are tailored to you and your pet, with our aim being to provide you with any support and information you need so your pet can lead a long, happy and healthy life.

Our Services include
Small animals only
cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs etc
Diagnostic imaging
Dental services
Pet passports
24-Hour Emergency
Care and hospitalisation
Vet and nurse consultations
FREE puppy parties
held by our qualified nurses
Pet Health Club
Access to expert referrals
Nurse Clinics
Surgical services
Laboratory services
Animal Health Certificate
Euthanasia services