Pet Health Club

with unlimited consultations

Hyperthyroidism Bolt-on for cats

8+ years old

Your plan includes:

green check

Regular comprehensive examinations

green check

Blood and urine tests

green check

Blood pressure checks

green check

Weight checks

green check

Nutrition advice

green check

All necessary, licensed hyperthyroid medication

This is NOT insurance but covers your pet for all of their preventative treatment.

Many cats develop hyperthyroidism as they age, and now that your pet has been diagnosed, we have a range of options to treat their symptoms.

By joining our Pet Health Club you’re already giving your cat the best chance at a long and healthy life – by bolting on hyperthyroid medication and checks it gives you the peace of mind that the price covers what they need to control their thyroid condition.

As our team will have told you, an overactive thyroid means there is an increase in the hormone which controls the body’s metabolic rate. As your metabolism affects all parts of the body, a wide range of symptoms may be present and causing your pet to feel unsettled.

That’s why our hyperthyroid extension to our Pet Health Club is so important – by monitoring your cat with regular blood tests we can nip problems in the bud and help your cat to enjoy their golden years.

+£10 joining fee for new clients

Pet Health Club Information

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information or printing

The Best of the Advice Centre

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