Emma Morrison

Client Care Advisor
BVRA Bronze (Silver being done)
Special interests
I like to learn from the cases we see - I am not clinically trained but want to know as much as I can about the cases we see and the outcomes. I keep a close eye on the history of any pets that come in as an emergency as I want to know what has happened
My pets
Marley - 11 year old cocker Spaniel, Moose - 1 year old cocker spaniel, Milo - Irish sportshorse
If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would it be?
My grandad who is no longer with us. He served in the second world war and was badly injured. I wish I had spent time asking about is various medals and the experiences he faced
If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
To remove peoples fears and anxiety issues. Its a horrible feeling and I would love to be able to stop people suffering with and give them a calmer outlook in life (a weird one i know)
If you could have any animal in the world as pet, what would you have?
Maybe a penguin. They are funny little fellows and make me smile waddling around and sliding into the water. Failing that a giraffe - they are so gracious and pretty 🙂
What is your favourite travel destination?
Too many places... I was lucky enough to travel to the Island of Mustique this year. WOW - ! I am also a Huge Italy fan - food, people and history
What is an interesting fact about you?
I'm a Nottingham girl and try and retain my working class background. Totally different to the bubble in which we live in the SE - my friends laugh at me for this as I manage to pass myself off pretty well as a person from 'the bubble' apart from the way I pronounce some things
What causes are you passionate about?
Animal cruelty (obvs), the 'be kind' cause and human aid
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don't know about?
:))) I can do the splits 🙂 hardly a talent...
Name three words that describe you
I would like to think - kind, efficient and friendly
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A police woman
What would be your personal motto?
Don't look at the mountain and worry about not achieving it - break it down and look at things in managable chunks
What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?
My ability to engage with clients in a friendly and caring way, efficiency and making sure a job is completed rather than half finished, coping in a busy and fast paced environment and working in a team rather than just looking out for me
works mostly at Tonbridge
works mostly at Tonbridge

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